Thursday, March 31, 2011

'Source Code' reaffirms Gyllenhaal's strengths

earching for a movie to attend with my youngest brother a few weeks ago, my task quickly narrowed to avoiding Limitless at all costs.

Despite the hype, The Hangover and fawning coverage in The New York Times and elsewhere, I just don't buy Bradley Cooper as a leading man, and the effort to prop up him up as one felt forced and hollow.

Bradley Cooper

Pictures of Bradley Cooper Actor Bradley Cooper in NYC

5 Pictures of Bradley Cooper at Limitless Premiere in Germany

4 Pictures of Bradley Cooper, Who Reportedly Split With Renee Zellweger

9 Pictures of Abbie Cornish and Bradley Cooper on the Cover of Marie Claire's April Couples Issue

Frickin' Eh Movie News: Be Happy Edition

News on the latest Avengers cast member, Amy Adams' and Viggo Mortensen's Superman casting updates, the competing Snow White projects heat up, the trailer for The Three Musketeers and more!

Well, things are looking up for me, I must say. Life has really taken an upswing and I'm excited to see what the future holds now. School's winding down, too, and with the final stretch here, I can't wait to be done. Maybe I'm a bit too excited . . . this is going to be a long two weeks. I'm sure I'll make it, though. Of course, I'm now running through an epic bout of indecision about what to do with my future, so I'm going to need some time to meditate on that – and unfortunately, time is in short supply. Oh well. Onto the news . . .

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

'Limitless' has unlimited potential

as an unmotivated, down-on-his-luck writer. In the film, Morra lives a disheveled and shallow existence until his life is transformed by a drug called NZT. This drug allows the user to access 100 percent of his or her brain, effectively giving them superhuman intelligence.

SF Playhouse production of ‘Wirehead’ an intelligent, futuristic thriller

Mind games: From left, Madeline HD Brown, Craig Marker and Gabriel Marin appear in SF Playhouse’s nifty production of the futuristic “Wirehead.” (Courtesy photo)

The idea of artificially induced intelligence is not necessarily new. (The current movie “Limitless” is about a drug that allows us to access the unused 90 percent of our brainpower.)

Are Movie Theater Owners Trying to Keep Americans Fat? - Venice, CA Patch

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question of the day: What would you do with a ‘Limitless’ pill?

By now you may have seen, or you’ll at least have heard about the basic premise: Bradley Cooper takes a special little pill that amps up his brain, lets him see clearly, think better, and just plain be all around smarter. It lets him write a brilliant novel in four days; he makes a killing day trading not only because he grasps the math required but also because he’s suddenly sees the underlying patterns in human behavior that drive the market. The problems that arise from his use of the pill are driven more by the shady drug underworld through which he acquired his stash (though he didn’t realize it at first) than they are by the negative side effects the drug has on his body.

Infinite Zoom Lens: How the Opening Scene of 'Limitless' Was Created - PCWorld

The film Limitless topped the box office after its opening week, and the movie's intro sequence may go down in history as one of the most memorable and immersive shots of all time.

Limitless opens with a continuous, seemingly endless zoom shot that starts as if the camera had been dropped off a skyscraper balcony, then weaves through the streets of New York, past pedestrians, under construction scaffoldings, though blocks and blocks of blinking lights and hubbub, through the back windows of taxicabs and out through their front windshields, through Harlem, into Times Square, and then right into a glowing Jumbotron. You are gliding at street level right through solid objects, and the shot reveals little visual evidence of computer-generated trickery.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


stars Bradley Cooper as a habitual loser whose life is transformed when he comes into possession of a drug which allows him to unlock the full potential of his mind, although not without some unwanted side effects. One of these side effects being that people make sarcastic animations poking fun at his movie.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Our Picks: Movies

A pair of 60ish French screen legends -- one in sweat pants, the other enormous -- reunite for '70s farce "Potiche"

"Potiche" unites French screen legends Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu in a peculiar love-and-politics farce under the guidance of chameleonic director François Ozon, with results that are somewhere between delightful and disconcerting. If you know Ozon's work, there's nothing especially surprising about that. Best known to American viewers for the sexy thriller "Swimming Pool" and the doleful character study "Under the Sand," both with Charlotte Rampling, Ozon apparently delights in making every possible kind of movie, often several at the same time.

"Sucker Punch" is a failure, but a spectacular one | Blogs

I believe a very good version of "Sucker Punch" exists. It is not the version now playing in theaters, unfortunately.

Director Zack Snyder's outlandish, fetishistic action epic is the latest entry in an increasingly popular sub-genre: the movie that is metaphorically about movies. Like "Inception" and "TRON: Legacy," it operates on multiple levels of "reality" and relies heavily on the audience's sense of nostalgia. If "Inception" is this pseudo-genre's masterpiece, "Sucker Punch" is its noble failure.

Movie Review:Cooper dazzles in Limitless

Bradley Cooper shows he can truly act, truly command a screen — and not just swagger and preen and flash that sexy smile — in Limitless, and his performance goes a long way toward making this sci-fi thriller more entertaining, and more plausible, than it probably should be.

Cooper stars as Eddie Morra, a struggling and depressed New York writer living in a cluttered, rundown apartment. He's already divorced and his latest girlfriend, Lindy (Abbie Cornish), has just dumped him. These early scenes, in which he stumbles around the city in a shlubby, stubbly haze, reveal a depth we hadn't seen from Cooper in his previous films, like The Hangover, The A-Team and He's Just Not That Into You. And that makes them just about as exciting in their own way as the ones featuring the amped-up version of Eddie we'll see later on.

Snyder: Superman's a change for me

Zack Snyder has promised his new Superman movie will be "divinely" different from his previous films.

The director of fantasy adventures 300, Watchmen and the highly anticipated Sucker Punch has promised a much more grounded setting for his film adaptation of the Man of Steel.

Ekstra Bladet - Se frække Abbie i fiskenet

Den australske skuespillerinde Abbie Cornish, der er kendt fra film som 'Bright Star'. 'Candy' og 'Somersault' afslører sin indre forførerske i en fræk fotoserie i GQ Magazine, hvor hun er klædt i fiskenetsstrømper og push-up bh.

Den 28-årige skuespillerinde viser sin flotte figur i en Louis Vuitton bodysuit, en bh fra Victoria's Secret, strømper fra Wolford og sko fra Melissa.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cooper, 'Limitless' still smart despite dumb moments

One would expect a man using his brain's full potential to also utilize some creative imagination.

Not the case with last week's sci-fi thriller "Limitless" starring Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish and Robert DeNiro. The "what-if" story of a man who takes an intelligence-enhancing pill has some unexpected and fun visual effects but lacks in logic.

Bradley Cooper: Karriere statt Renée Zellweger

Hollywoodbeau Bradley Cooper und Leinwandschöne Renée Zellweger beendeten ihre Beziehung wegen seiner Karriere. Bradley Cooper (36) und Renée Zellweger (41) trennten sich laut Insider-Informationen aufgrund seiner Karriere.

Das Hollywood-Pärchen war nicht ganz zwei Jahre zusammen, als es sich vergangene Woche entschied, getrennte Wege zu gehen. Eine Stimme aus Coopers Umfeld verriet jetzt, der Grund für das Beziehungs-Aus sei nicht etwa eine andere Frau gewesen, sondern der Druck der dringlichen Arbeitsverpflichtungen des Akteurs (' Das A-Team - Der Film ').

Breuk Cooper en Zellweger te wijten aan drukke carriere Cooper - ShowbizNewz

De breuk tussen Bradley Cooper en Renée Zellweger is volgens ingewijden te danken aan de drukke carrière van Cooper. Nadat het nieuws naar buiten kwam dat de twee uit elkaar gingen, gingen er al snel geruchten dat Cooper verliefd zou zijn op een ander. Deze geruchten worden nu dus door bekenden van de acteur tegengesproken.

Renée Zellweger

, qui s’étaient quittés en toute discrétion. Aujourd’hui, une source proche du couple a révélé quelles pourraient être les raisons de leur rupture.

Après deux ans d’amour, le couple Hollywoodien s’est malheureusement séparé, a-t-on appris plus ou moins officiellement par plusieurs sources, sans que les deux acteurs ne le confirment aux médias, préférant rester discrets sur leur vie privée. Bradley Cooper, révélé par le film Very Bad Trip , semblait pourtant être heureux et très amoureux de Renée Zellweger, à qui il déclarait sa flamme en public seulement quelques jours avant leur séparation.

Celebrities mourn loss of legend Elizabeth Taylor

Reaction to the death of screen legend Elizabeth Taylor was swift in the celebrity world. She died Wednesday at age 79. Taylor had starring roles in such Hollywood classics as “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” and “Cleopatra.”

“We have just lost a Hollywood giant,” longtime friend Elton John said. “More importantly, we have lost an incredible human being.”

Gwen Stefani Donates to Japan

Gwen Stefani yesterday donated $1 million of her personal wealth to the Save the Children’s program, the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund. The generous move comes as Stefani said how she had been inspired by Japan and its people.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Renee Zellweger: The Social Animal

Renee Zellweger goes to a local book store where she buys The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement by David Brooks , on Tuesday (March 22) in New York City.

Earlier this month, the 41-year-old actress broke up with Bradley Cooper after being together for almost two years.

[Gossip] Bradley Cooper And Renee Zellweger Split Because Of Work

Too busy for a relationship...

According to a source close to Bradley Cooper, the reason he split with Renee Zellweger was because he was too busy.

" If I had to pick any possible mistress it would be Brad's career. He worked really hard to get into leading man status. Renee had to take a backseat. She traveled with him to make it work.

Bradley Cooper: boy to man | Film | The Guardian

If you interview Bradley Cooper in Los Angeles, it tends to go something like this: actor picks up journalist at around 6.30am in running gear, drives out to Hollywood Hills with dog in back of car, takes run along Malibu beach. Then it's back to his for breakfast, softening up said journalist with an omelette.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

DWTS: Kristie Alley dances hot cha cha on premiere?

DWTS News!

Dancing With The Stars biggest controversy is Fat Actress Kirstie Alley?

Emmy-winning actress Kirstie Alley may be the most controversial contestant on season 12 of Dancing With the Stars, the latest and least controversial season, many are saying. At 60 years old, Kirstie Alley is the oldest contestant and arguably the most famous, both for her roles on the hit television shows Cheers and Frasier and for her stint as the spokeswoman for Jenny Craig.

Ohne Limit - Film - - das Portal für Film und Kino

Es ist ein klassischer Erzählkniff. Doch er funktioniert immer wieder. Der "Held" steht am Abgrund, blickt in die Tiefe, erschaudert, wackelt kurz, fängt sich. Und dann? Ein Blick zurück, und kurz vor dem vermeintlichen Freitod-Ende fängt er an zu erzählen: Seine Lebensbeichte, die ihn mit ziemlicher Sicherheit wieder an diesen Point of no return führen wird. Ganz ähnlich erging es zuletzt dem aufgedrehten Werbetexter Octave Parango (Jean Dujardin) in Jan Kounens mitreißender Bestsellerverfilmung 39,90. In Neil Burgers gewagtem Komödien/Thriller-Mix Ohne Limit ist es Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper), der den Zuschauer zu einem Drogen-Zeitreisetrip einlädt.

Irish writer has “hissy fit” over Limitless film

Irish Author Alan Glynn admits he had a “hissy fit” when he learnt that the new movie starring Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro was to be called Limitless.

The movie was originally titled The Dark Fields after Glynn’s book of the same name.

However after Cooper and De Niro came on board the name was changed. Glynn told Orla Barry he  calmed down quickly when he heard De Niro was playing a lead role.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

“Limitless”, il nuovo numero uno ai box office Usa

Diciannove milioni di dollari in 3 giorni. Ma le vendite dei biglietti negli Stati Uniti sono scese del 20 per cento rispetto al 2010

A scalare la vetta dei film più visti del weekend, con un incasso di 19 milioni di dollari, è “Limitless”, il thriller che vede Bradley Cooper recitare al fianco di Robert De Niro.

Three new movies bring heavy questions and light comedy to weekend box office

Heavy questions and light comedy will be competing with each other in the three new movies hitting the box office this weekend.

They feature some of Hollywood's biggest stars and include stories about the limits of human perfection, a moral dilemma that may be impossible to overcome and an alien who hitches a ride across the United States with two men who are clearly out of their element wherever they go.

Movie Review: Limitless | Oye! Times

Do I write a review of the movie or do I write about the questions the movie raises? Do I tell you about the plot or do I wait until you've see it then talk about what it means?

Okay, let me try to do a little of both.

This American thriller was released on March 18, 2011 and is ranked by Rotten Tomatoes - in my opinion a good assessment of a picture - with a score of 65%. Remember under 60% is considered a bit of a stinker and since this one is only slightly over the line; is it good or just sort of good? Well, to each his own but I liked it. However as I read the criticisms of the film by various movie critics, I realise that for me, the premise is so intriguing, it covers up the flaws of the film.

Reel Time - Review ‘Limitless’ : Movie News & Reviews - Tampa Bay Newspapers

“Limitless,” the speculative fiction thriller based on the 2001 novel “The Dark Fields” by Alan Glynn, is an adrenalin-stoked, dizzying head rush of a film, with wildly dazzling visuals and feverish pacing.

Win Limitless – The Novel

New film Limitless sees Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro star in a paranoia-fuelled action thriller where the power of a pill allows an unemployed writer to contact and utilise the entirety of his mind – and become a perfect version of himself.

The film is based on 2001 cult sci-fi novel The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn, and to celebrate the film’s launch this Wednesday: we have five copies of the retitled novel Limitless to give away to five lucky readers.

Hickey leads Colonel comeback

By Les Dixon, The Times-Tribune, Corbin, Ky.

March 21--Christian County dug itself a 12-point hole entering the second quarter against Lexington Catholic in Friday's state quarterfinals, but teammates Anthony Hickey and Donovan Kates were bound and determined to lead the Colonels to a semifinal date with Louisville Eastern.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Business calendar | Business | - Houston Chronicle

Pioneer Oil Producers Society: Lunch meeting. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., H.E.S.S. Club, 5430 Westheimer. Cost: $22 members, $30 non-members. Speaker: Greg Hall will discuss how his company assisted in the rescue of the Chilean miners. Information: Reservations: 281-679-6547.

Red carpet rolled out for rivals

PRESIDENT Mary McAleese will this evening come face-to-face with the English rugby star who broke with protocol and forced her off the red carpet on his last visit to Lansdowne Road.

But it is clear that Martin Johnson, who was captain of England in 2003 and is coach of the side now, has the full support of his side's fans -- even if they were understandably reticent about expressing it in Dublin yesterday.

All eyes on Thompkins, Leslie - University Of Georgia -

That spotlight will be on Leslie and Trey Thompkins for a while or at least until they make intentions official. It should have a defining effect on the next step for the Georgia men’s basketball program.

The Bulldogs took a positive move forward this past season, which ended in their first game in the NCAA tournament with a 68-65 loss to Washington. But the fact that the Bulldogs even earned their way there was a testament to their progress; it was the team’s first at-large berth in the NCAA tournament in nine years.

Cine comentario: Limitless

Dicen que una persona promedio utiliza máximo 20 por ciento de su capacidad cerebral.

Este desperdicio de talento que tanto ha preocupado a los científicos a través de lo siglos encuentra una hipotética solución en el filme de ciencia ficción y suspenso Limitless.

Igual que la depresión, la impotencia sexual y otros males que afectan al hombre contemporáneo, el bajo rendimiento cerebral puede ahora ser curado con una milagrosa pastillita patentada por un poderoso laboratorio farmacéutico.

Limitless Review By Bawnian-Dexeus -

Limitless is a 2011 American techno-thriller film.

Directed by Neil Burger.

Starring Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, and Robert De Niro.

Based on the book The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn and screenplay by Leslie Dixon.

After reading a couple of reviews, I was a little worried the film might blow up in my face and disappoint me, but I had to judge for myself and luckily it passed my expectations. Limitless was a smart, funny, and fun ride.

Gente | Bradley Cooper y Robert De Niro se miden en película de acción "Limitless" - JORNADA

"Esta película no es sobre drogas, es sobre poder. Ese es el punto. Sobre lo que se podría hacer con ese poder y cómo se maneja, pero no es una película sobre adicciones", dijo Cooper a Efe durante una entrevista en Nueva York.

Dirigida por Neil Burger ("The Illusionist", "Interview with the assassin") y basada en la novela "The Darks Fields" de Alan Glynn, este provocador filme rodado en Nueva York y con algunos exteriores en Puerto Vallarta (México) se completa con la presencia de Abbie Cornish ("Bright Star"), una joven actriz australiana que empieza a pisar fuerte en Hollywood.

Three new movies bring heavy questions and light comedy to weekend box office

Heavy questions and light comedy will be competing with each other in the three new movies hitting the box office this weekend.

They feature some of Hollywood's biggest stars and include stories about the limits of human perfection, a moral dilemma that may be impossible to overcome and an alien who hitches a ride across the United States with two men who are clearly out of their element wherever they go.

Movie review: Limitless - Chico Movie |

Director Neil Burger (2006’s “The Illusionist”) takes aim at trying to create a Chuck Palahniuk-like story with his latest film, “Limitless.” Burger seems to have all the right ingredients to do so, minus the dark tone that usually accompanies Palahniuk’s stories.

There’s a good amount of humor, fast-paced visuals and a charming, if somewhat loathsome, character. Bradley Cooper (“The Hangover”) is the perfect choice for this film. Is this supposed to be a wild ride of a film? Yes, and it is for a good amount of time. “Limitless” is an exciting and unique concept that, unfortunately, gets hampered down by one action cliche after another. And suspending disbelief can only go so far before it becomes too much.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sans limites: une pilule, une

p'tite granule...

Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) surprendra le financier Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro) par ses talents de boursicoteur, don attribuable à une petite pilule miracle...

(Québec) À notre époque de performance et d'hyperproductivité, le suspense Sans limites (v.f. de Limitless ) propose la solution miracle : une pilule permettant de décupler les facultés intellectuelles. Un écrivain en panne d'inspiration, Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper), en fera l'essai. Du coup, sa vie ne sera plus jamais la même. Et pas nécessairement pour le mieux. - mozi, filmek, kritikák

Holnap kerül mozikba a tengerentúlon Neil Burger thrillere, a Csúcshatás, melyben egy író egy olyan drogra talál rá, melynek segítségével emberfeletti képességei lesznek. A mágus rendezőjének legújabb filmjében Bradley Cooper mellett többek között Robert De Niro szerepel még.

Szintén izgalmas alkotásnak ígérkezik Az igazság ára című dráma is, melyben egy los angelesi ügyvéd (Matthew McConaughey) olyan megbízást kap, melynek során veszélybe kerül addig viszonylag nyugalmasnak tűnő élete. Brad Furman drámája Michael Connelly regényéből készült, aki többek között a Clint Eastwood által rendezett Véres munka alapjául szolgáló regényt is írta.

Hollywood South mailbag: 'Battle: Los Angeles' has motion-sick moviegoer looking for help

By Mike Scott, The Times-Picayune

Hi Mike. Are you aware of any resources that rate a movie based on camera stability -- or in other words, warn viewers of potential motion sickness?

For at least one quesy movie-goer, all the nonstop camerawork intended to give the locally shot 'Battle: Los Angeles' a sense of realism was a bit too real.

Bradley Cooper Limitless Paul Lincoln Lawyer Box Office | The sky may be the limit for Neil Burger’s new thriller “Limitless,” which leads the weekend box office in early reporting.

“Limitless,” which stars Bradley Cooper of “The Hangover” as a struggling writer who unlocks the full potential of his brain using an experimental pill, earned between $5.5M and $6.3M on Friday night to lead all newcomers at the multiplex, according to THR.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Face Off season two | TV Series Finale


Season One Finale Airs Tonight, Wednesday, March 16 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Syfy

NEW YORK – March 16, 2011 – Syfy announces that its breakout reality competition series Face Off will return for a second season of special effects competition, offering a new group of rising SFX make-up artists with the opportunity to showcase their imagination and creativity. The season one finale airs tonight, Wednesday, March 16 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, in which the final contestants face off in a fairytale challenge that will conclude with one being named the winner of the premiere season.

Notes from the Back Row

Another alien hits the silver screen this week but at least this one, named Paul , has the decency to be rated R.

Directed by Greg Mottola ( Superbad, Adventureland) Paul is a funny little bug-eyed extra-terrestrial who escapes from 60 years of government lockdown and ends up hitching a ride in a motorhome with two English comic book geeks (Simon Pegg and Nick Frost of Sean of the Dead fame) and a fundamentalist Christian trailer park supervisor (Kristen Wiig, stealing the show).

Pentax Unveils Customizable Optio RS1500

Golden, Colo. - Pentax Imaging introduced Wednesday its Optio RS1500 digital compact camera offering a wide range of customizable options.

The Pentax Optio RS1500 ($150 suggested retail) offers limitless interchangeable-skin options.

The camera, which ships in April at a $150 suggested retail, can be custom detailed with a variety of faceplates to change its look to reflect the personality of the user.

'Limitless' director Neil Burger's career reality has plenty of ups and downs

NEW YORK -- Strolling around Manhattan's Chinatown and Central Park, where he filmed scenes from his new film "Limitless," director Neil Burger is reliving his movie's arc. And his career. Which may not be all that far apart.

"I always think about what's the difference between being tenacious and having an inability to learn from failures," he says on the warm Saturday in March, reflecting on his checkerboard directing path. "The difference between the homeless guy who wanted to be a great painter and the guy who is a great painter could be anything. It could be something small, like he dropped his keys at the right time and looked up and saw the gallery owner on the street. Or it could be something you never even find out about."

Friday, March 18, 2011

De Niro on his career, characters and future

Robert De Niro isn't a big talker.

Certainly not to reporters. A major actor for four decades, the two-time Oscar winner rarely gives interviews.

So when word came down that the notoriously press-shy De Niro was doing phone interviews on behalf of his latest film, "Limitless," this reporter's mind went into overdrive.

Video Clip Roundup:’Limitless,’ ‘Source Code,’ ‘Insidious’ & More

In today’s video roundup we have 26 clips from 7 upcoming movies: ‘Limitless’, ‘Win Win’, ‘Insidious’, ‘Source Code’, ‘The Ward’, ‘Fubar: Balls to the Wall’ & ‘The Divide’ – plus the touching Corey Haim Memorial the SAG & the Oscars should have shown.

Adjusting the master plan - Juneau Empire

I blame the aliens. I blame the city of Hell-A. They share the blame, really. “Battle: Los Angeles” opened last weekend and I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get amped to invest the time or the money and I definitely couldn’t get excited about eventually conjuring up the 600 words to review Aaron Eckhart’s flick about aliens attacking Los Angeles.

Times Square hacking video was a trailer for ‘Limitless’

Posted by Will Brinson 121144 Times+Square+hacking+video+was+a+trailer+for+%27Limitless%27 2011-03-17+19%3A19%3A06 Will+Brinson comments

Remember that AWESOME video where the foreign dude hacked into every video screen in Times Square ? And remember how I said it was probably fake?

Liam Neeson Signs Up for 'Taken 2' -

Not long ago, Crave Online received the following, simple e-mail:

Please please please suggest a taken 2 to the movie people as i loves that film.

Our response: "Yeah, sure. We'll get right on that." And whaddaya know? It worked.

Liam Neeson has just signed on to reprise his role in Taken 2, the sequel to the hit 2009 action-thriller (and this critic's perhaps-controversial choice for the best film of that year). Original Taken writers Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen have reunited to pen the sequel, in which someone else will presumably get taken. It's that or not calling it Taken 2, after all.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

‘Limitless’ is the Phoenix favorite film - Phoenix Film Industry |

The Phoenix Film Critics Society Favorite Film for the week ending Friday, March 18, 2011 is ‘Limitless’ with a score of 7.3 out of 10.

Each week the membership of the Phoenix Film Critics Society votes on the movies opening for the upcoming week for the Phoenix Favorite Film.

The Phoenix Film Critics Society is the official association that represents the movie reviewing press members for the State of Arizona, whose movie reviews appear in the print, broadcast mediums, and online. For more information about the Phoenix Film Critics Society visit our website at

Times Square hacker hoax revealed to be viral ad

Remember the man who put his face on those New York video billboards via transmitter? It was an ad for "Limitless"

On Monday, a YouTube clip surfaced showing a man hacking into the video billboards in Time Square and putting himself on the screens, using only his cell phone, a "transmitter," and a red balloon. We determined the video was a hoax , since those digital ads go through a computer system that would require access codes, and wouldn't simply play images that had been "transmitted" to them through an outside source.

Movie capsules: What's playing at Erie's Tinseltown, Millcreek 6 and Movies at Meadville, March 17-March 23 - Movie Capsules - Times-...

CHECK IT OUT. The movie listing feature at has movie times and more.

NOTE. Movie schedules are subject to change. Check Showcase movie ads and check online for last-minute changes.

Tinseltown: "Limitless." "The Lincoln Lawyer." "Paul." "Lord of the Dance" in 3-D.

Movies at Meadville: "Limitless." "The Lincoln Lawyer." "Paul." "The Grace Card."

Chiranjeevi's Daughter Srija Lodges Complaint Against Husband - Hyderabad News on

15th Mar, 2011: Praja Rajyam Party (PRP) President Chiranjeevi's daughter Srija had approached the Central Crime Station (CCS) police on Monday, accusing her husband, Sirish Bharadwaj, and her mother-in-law of subjecting her to physical and mental torture.

Srija had dominated the regional media in October 2007 by marrying Sirish against the wishes of her family. The then newly-wed couple had fled to Delhi and asked the court for protection from her family.

Programming alert: Jon Jones 'In the Moment' airs March 17 at 11pm ET on Spike TV - MMA Mania

As the new light heavyweight number one contender heads into his UFC 128 title fight against Mauricio Rua this Saturday night (March 19) from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, Johnny "Bones" will be featured in his own 30-minute special detailing his rise to mixed martial arts superstardom.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cinema Scene Marketing Installs Video Wall in New York Theater Lobby

Cinema Scene Marketing , a provider of in-lobby media and promotions, announced today the installation of its first large format video display in Clearview’s Chelsea Cinemas in New York City.

Supported by NEC Display Solutions hardware, the 6-by-10-foot video wall is comprised of 9 LCD displays configured in a three by three format and supported with high-definition directional sound. According to the company, movie studios have been the first to embrace the new platform. Original video content was developed for CBS Films’ release of ‘Beastly’ and in support of Relativity Media’s release of ‘Take Me Home Tonight’ and ‘Limitless.’

Yohji Yamamoto: the people's designer who cuts loose from the catwalk | Art and design |

It must be one of his many qualities that Yohji Yamamoto is the kind of fashion designer who appeals to people, like me, who are not dedicated followers of fashion. One reason for that could be that he avoids the characteristics of catwalk culture or couture that put us off: too expressive, too ostentatious. You sense that he makes clothing for real people rather than divas. Classic Yohji clothes are relaxed and durable, so that the wearer looks stylish but not preening. And it's not just his clothes that appeal, it's him: his demeanour, his focus, his talent. I confess that I have never bought a shred of his clothing, and yet he is one of the designers, of any discipline, that I most admire.

I know what you'll do this summer - KINDERGARTEN DAD By Tony Montemayor | The Philippine Star

Summertime and the livin’ is easy…” goes the opening line of the famous aria by George Gershwin. That song may have been composed in 1935, but I’m sure that our American Idol kids of today can still appreciate the way it evokes the lazy days of summer. By this time of the year, most kids are literally already counting the days before the start of the coming two months of “freedom” from homework, classrooms, and teachers. For some of us parents, however, the worst case scenario can be as terrifying as that classic horror/slasher movie I Know What You Did Last Summer: bloody ears from hearing your kids’ constant “I’m bored” refrain; a tenfold increase in sibling cat fights; mess all over the house; and kids with zombie eyes from too much TV and video games. Apart from educating our children, schools provide a structure that parents can rely on for what to do with our kids while we’re busy earning a living or doing housework. When that structure takes a vacation for two months every year, things can sometimes get crazy at home.

Limitless: Film Review

A movie about a “smart pill” takes a few dumb plot turns.

Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Abbie Cornish, Anna Friel, Andrew Howard

The film, which also stars Robert De Niro, Abbie Cornish and Anna Friel, centers on a down-and-out guy who takes a "smart pill" and suddenly becomes a Mega-brain on steroids.

Battle: Los Angeles

opened fairly strong in first place. Red Riding Hood from Warner Bros. ( TWX ) opened slightly lower than most industry expectations in third place while Disney’s ( DIS ) animated adventure film Mars Needs Moms tanked in fifth place. The box office should cool down this weekend with three new releases that should only perform moderately well. They are Limitless from Relativity Media, The Lincoln Lawyer from Lionsgate ( LGF ), and comedy Paul from Universal ( GE ).

Box office recap: 'Battle: Los Angeles' overcomes all competitors - New York Movie |

It was another busy weekend for the box office but it also could have been a meaningful one as well if the studios were listening. Audiences both in New York and nationwide made it clear that despite what some executives believe, not everything has to be made in 3D.

Sony’s “Battle: Los Angeles” took to theaters by storm (in plain old 2D) and gave the studio its fourth consecutive number one hit of 2011. Led by the likeable Aaron Eckhart, “Battle” took in around $36 million, thanks to a smart marketing/PR campaign that successfully showed why this wasn’t your usual alien’s attack action flick. It also opened day and date in a number of foreign territories which added another $16 million to its haul, so worldwide Sony is looking at a $52 million take for the weekend.

James Lipton News, James Lipton Bio and Photos |

Even in those moments when it succumbs to fawning self-parody, there's something about James Lipton's craft/career-focused Q&A's that I find irresistibly endearing. (May have something to do with my nostalgia for what Bravo was like before all of those heinous Real Housewives took over the network.) This week, this marginalized show — notice how it airs outside prime-time parameters — welcomes its first-ever graduate from the Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University. Said successful alum being Bradley Cooper, beloved by TV fans for his work on Alias but now busy with a film career including The Hangover, Wedding Crashers and the new Limitless opposite Robert De Niro.


Today's News: Our Take

Inside the Actors Studio (Monday, 7/6c, Bravo)

Even in those moments when it succumbs to fawning self-parody, there's something about James Lipton 's craft/career-focused Q&A's that I find irresistibly endearing. (May have something to do with my nostalgia for what Bravo was like before all of those heinous Real Housewives took over the network.) This week, this marginalized show — notice how it airs outside prime-time parameters — welcomes its first-ever graduate from the Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University. Said successful alum being Bradley Cooper , beloved by TV fans for his work onbut now busy with a film career including,and the new Limitless opposite Robert De Niro .

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Limitless" Giveaway: Win A $4,439 BoConcept Furniture Set!

In Limitless , director Neil Burger 's new thriller based on Alan Glynn 's 2001 novel The Dark Fields , your "brain on drugs" is not necessarily a bad thing. Unemployed and recently dumped writer Eddie Morra ( Bradley Cooper ) is going nowhere until he takes NZT, an experimental drug that opens up his mind, making him focused and confident. With his new drive and elephant memory, he's able to get ahead in the financial world and live the good life. Pretty awesome, right?

Today’s interviews, Paul Giamatti and Bradley Cooper

Uncategorized — posted by otownrog on March, 14 2011 9:17 AM

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Bradley Cooper is omni-present this week as he promotes “Limitless” to one and all. It is the first movie he has to carry, as a star and opens Friday.

Bradley Cooper hopes 'Limitless' will propel him from celeb to superstar

AFTER INTERVIEWING Bradley Cooper at a suburban office building, I took the elevator down to the lobby where the doors opened to a crowd of anxious young women.

They were holding cell-phone cameras at the ready, and made no attempt to conceal their dismay when they saw that I was not handsome Brad.

Clearly, Cooper is a celebrity now. He draws stares and crowds wherever he goes. He recently moved from Venice, Calif., to a gated community in the Pacific Palisades to get away from the paparazzi, in hot pursuit now that he's dating Renée Zellweger.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Glasgow-based Composer Asked To Score Latest De Niro Film

BAFTA award-winning composer Paul Leonard-Morgan has just completed work on the soundtrack for the new Robert de Niro movie, 'Limitless'", which premieres in New York on 8th March, with US release date 18th March, and worldwide release on 23rd March.

More on Press Releases Poly Plant Project's World-Class CVD Reactor Fabricator Selected To Produce Fusion Energy Reactors For ITER Project US Farms, Inc. Announces Change In Management Willbros Reports Fourth Quarter And 2010 Results's Tiffany Michelle Headlines Sunday's Pro Bounty Madness $100K Guaranteed Construction Factoring Provides Businesses With Aid During Natural Disasters Adam "ROOTHLUS" Levy Re-Signs With For Two More Years Costco Wholesale Corporation Comments On Its Operations In Japan Following The Major Earthquake Free Workshop "Everything You Have Always Wanted To Know About Writing A Will For You, Your Family And Your Pet" Coming To Tucson HKN, Inc. Announces Oilfield Emulsions Supply Contract For BriteWater International, LLC U.S. Workers Willing To Move For The Right Job, Kelly Global Workforce Index(TM) Finds - Relativity Teams With Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Relativity Media, LLC announced today it has forged a multi-year distribution deal with Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment that will cover the marketing and distribution of Relativity's films on DVD and Blu-ray. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release upcoming titles on Relativity's schedule including Limitless, Immortals and their untitled Snow White film.


and Strollerderby blog.

Shell is outnumbered in a house of three little boys and her husband of seven years. She lives in North Carolina and is a beach girl. Her blog, Things I Can't Say , is an honest look at family life.

Wendy Michaels enjoys her career as an entertainment writer, covering the celeb buzz at the TV Crunch and Movie Crunch blogs. She loves celebrity gossip on any level, from A-listers right down to those pesky reality stars. Wendy lives in Central New York, where she enjoys time with her husband and two children.

So You Know

Adult humor and teen creativity spark the theater scene this week. “Broken Mirror 11,” Saturday and Sunday at the Rose, brings together monologues, raps, skits and commentary created by area teen girls. “Avenue Q,” a Broadway touring musical that mixes puppets and live-action characters, is at the Orpheum on Wednesday only. “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” a musical based on the movie about con men, opens at the Bellevue Little Theatre on Friday. Look for a review of “Scoundrels” in Saturday's World-Herald. - Cinema Scene Marketing Launches First Large Format Video Display in New York City

Cinema Scene Marketing, one of the nation's leading providers of in-lobby media and promotions, announced today the installation of its first large format video display solution in Clearview's Chelsea Cinemas in New York City.

Supported by NEC Display Solutions hardware, the video wall is comprised of 9 LCD displays configured in a three by three format and supported with high definition directional sound. Movie studios have been the first to embrace the new platform. Original video content was developed for CBS Films' release of 'Beastly' and in support of Relativity Media's release of 'Take Me Home Tonight' and 'Limitless.'

Inqlings: Crafting a sculptor's final tribute

Philly-based forensic sculptor Frank Bender , who is famed for helping detectives ID victims and solve cold cases, is the subject of a documentary now in production.

Bender and filmmaker Karen Mintz acknowledge that the film is a race against time. In the fall of 2009, doctors told Bender that his pleural mesothelioma was terminal. Mintz wants him to be able to see the film.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our critics recommend...

Movies Happythankyoumoreplease An aspiring novelist with an eclectic group of friends learns about life from an abandoned boy he meets by chance.

Kaboom Comedy with sci-fi elements about a sexually obsessed film student who sees crazy things after tripping on laced cookies.

Limitless See Steven Rea's preview on this page.

A movie-made man

Rydal's Bradley Cooper, Young Blue Eyes, grew up immersed in flicks, idolizing De Niro. In "Limitless" Cooper's the lead, the idol's the costar.

As he tells it, Bradley Cooper in 1999 is just another awestruck theater student in the audience of James Lipton's interview show Inside the Actors Studio .

Movies | 'The Last Lions': Wildlife storytelling at its best | Seattle Times Newspaper

With so many outstanding nature shows on cable TV, you might wonder if the genre can still attract a theatrical audience. Then along comes a film like "The Last Lions" and you're reminded that excellence thrives on the big-screen experience.

Filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert have been specializing in "big cat" documentaries for most of their 30-year careers, most recently as explorers-in-residence for National Geographic. "The Last Lions" fully displays the culmination of their experience.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bradley Cooper Hesitant To Play

After losing out to Ryan Reynolds for the lead role in The Green Lantern , Bradley Cooper expresses his reservations about playing The Scarlet Speedster on the big screen.

Many Fan-Fics have Bradley Cooper as the perfect person to play The Flash. In a recent interview while promoting his film Limitless, Cooper wasn't as optimistic as most fanboys.

Relativity, Fox Sign Disc Deal

Theatrical producer Relativity Media and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment March 10 announced a multiyear distribution deal for the former’s future disc releases.

Under terms of the agreement, Fox will distribute DVD and Blu-ray Disc releases for Relativity’s upcoming titles Limitless, Immortals and their untitled “Snow White” film, among other titles not earmarked for the home entertainment market through separate third-party deals.

Beastly – Movie Review

Beastly as a book (by Alex Flinn) grated on my nerves.  I enjoyed the concept, and I certainly felt like it had a message that was more tuned into what teens do today as opposed to the original fairy tale or even the Disney movie of twenty years ago.  Fairy Tales are just morality stories when you get right down to it, stories that were told to children to teach them some sort of lesson.  Beastly strived to do that in a relatable fashion for today’s teens–through high school.

Capitol Digest, 3-10-2011

LIBRARY RESTRICTIONS: Public libraries in Iowa that receive state money would be required to adopt policies limiting access of materials to patrons under age 17 that carry a rating of R or NC-17 under legislation approved by the Iowa Senate on Thursday. The restrictions were amended to Senate File 410, a bill that proposed to reorganize and streamline library services and operations. The amendment offered by Sen. Tod Bowman, D-Maquoketa, would require the adoption a policy that addresses limiting access to electronic media, videos, or video game resources by a child under 17 years of age “if the media, video, or resource has been assigned a rating of R or NC-17, or a comparable rating, by the Motion Picture Association of America, the film advisory board, or the entertainment software rating board. A separate amendment offered by Sen. Brad Zaun, R-Urbandale, that sought to require each public library that receives state funds to adopt an Internet filter policy designed to eliminate access to pornography on the public library’s computer equipment failed on a 25-25 tie vote. The overall bill passed the Senate by a margin of 46-3 with Sens. Merlin Bartz, R-Grafton, David Johnson, R-Ocheyedan, and Amanda Ragan, D-Mason City, voting no and Sen. Herman Quirmbach, D-Ames, registering as present.

Worthplaying | 'The Secret World' (X360/PC) - Screens & Trailer

Get The Secret World [X360/PC] Trailer off WP (52mb)

An ancient, dreaming evil stirs. Dangerous creatures awaken. The Earth is in mortal peril. The wonders and horrors of the secret world are re-emerging in our world. The time has come to take up arms in the war between good & evil. Warriors and champions of Gaia, your training is about to begin. Rise. You have been chosen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Limitless potential of fantasy film products | Film |

For a while, it didn't seem as if Limitless would have much going for it. It features Robert De Niro listlessly mumbling his way to another paycheque, a trailer that pinches the song from The Social Network's trailer, and a premise – what if there were a pill that could unlock the full potential of your mind? – let down by the deadening revelation that the intellectual pinnacle of mankind is Bradley Cooper at his most insufferably Bradley Cooperish.

Red Carpet Wrap

50 Pictures: Ladies in red dazzle at premieres around the world.

30 Pictures: A look at stars who use their famous faces for good causes.

25 Pictures: Katie Holmes sans makeup and Kate Beckinsale runway worthy.

Bradley Cooper is Hesitant to Try Out for Another Superhero Movie Role, Including THE FLASH

After loosing the coveted Green Lantern movie role to Ryan Reynolds last year, the Hangover and Limitless star doesn't seem to be in a rush to audition for any other tights wearing cinematic hero.

Martin Campbell's superhero space adventure, Green Lantern , is set for theatrical release this summer, and Warner Bros is stepping up production of their next comic book properties. Christopher Nolan is in pre-production for his next installment of the Batman film franchise, while also producing the Zack Snyder directed Superman reboot . Though these three characters have tangible, live-action prospects, the studio is attempting to showcase several other fan favorite heroes in the near future.

No A-Team 2 says Bradley Cooper | Filmonic

When The Karate Kid‘s opening weekend ($56 million) doubled that of The A-Team‘s ($25.7 million) last June 20th Century Fox must have known their movie wouldn’t perform particularly well.

While on the rounds promoting Limitless Bradley Cooper confirmed that Colonel Hannibal Smith, Lt. ‘Faceman’ Peck, B.A. Baracus and Captain H.M. Murdock wouldn’t be reforming any time soon.

DeNiro on happiness, a new film with Scorsese and his latest, Limitless | Ampersand | National Post

At 67, Robert De Niro is showing signs of mellowing. The two-time Oscar winner has a reputation for being famously uncommunicative with the media — particularly if a reporter’s question is in any way personal.

So at a recent news conference on behalf of his unusual new thriller, Limitless, in which he plays a Wall Street mogul, you’re ready for De Niro to clam up when a reporter boldly wants to know what makes him happy. But De Niro surprises us. He says he wants to think about the question — and that’s a promising sign. He lets seatmate Neil Burger, director of the film opening

Limitless Movie Premiere And After Party

EventNow reports the movie premiere of Limitless and the after party that was hosted the other night here in New York City. The movie premiere was at the Regal Union Square here in New York City and all of the stars of the movie along with other guests were there.

The stars of the movie which included legendary Robert DeNiro and Bradley Cooper where there to enjoy the festivities along with other celebrities, like Alyssa Milano, Russell Simmons, Jason Bateman, Justin Long, etc.,  who came to view the movie and then enjoy the after party.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Рейтинг самых невезучих в любви голливудских знаменитостей

Первого места в этом списке удостоилась бывшая жена Брэда Питта Дженнифер Энистон (Jennifer Aniston).  На втором – ее коллега Сандра Баллок (Sandra Bullock), далее следует Рене Зеллвегер (Renee Zellweger). По мнению авторов рейтинга, у Рене всю жизнь исключительно неудачные романы, причем, как правило, служебные. Напомним,  у Зеллвегер были отношения с Джорджем Клуни (George Clooney), Джимом  Керри (Jim Carrey) и  Мэтью Макконахи (Matthew McConaughey). Несмотря на то, что актриса последние 1,5 года встречается с актером Брэдли Купером (Bradley Cooper), американцы настроены пессимистически – они в ожидании, когда же  Купер разобьет сердце Зеллвегер. Замыкают пятерку невезучих актрисы  Кэмерон Диас (Cameron Diaz) и Мег Райан (Meg Ryan).

EXCLUSIVE: Johnny Whitworth Dishes on Limitless

Straight from arriving back to the US from Romania, where he’d just spent months filming Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Johnny Whitworth took some time to speak to Reel Movie News about his role in Limitless .

Whitworth talks about his character, working with Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro, and if he would take a "limitless" drug.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Television movies for the week of March 6

TV Movies: Xxxx x-xx MOVIE RATINGS = Poor = Fair = Good = Excellent G = General audiences PG = Parental Guidance PG-13 = Not recommended for preteens R = Restricted audience CC = Closed captioned for hearing impaired ALPHABETICAL LISTING A

Saturday, March 5, 2011

THE UMBRELLA PLAYS Set for Limited Run at The Tank, 3/31-4/10 2011/03/05

Written by Stephanie Janssen and directed by Daniel Talbott (art. dir. Rising Phoenix Rep, Keep Your Baggage With You (at all times)), The Umbrella Plays connects six snap-shot-sized plays, each offering a glimpse into the lives of a disparate (and sometimes desperate) cast of characters, as they work their ways through inclement weather of the literal and figurative variety, searching for shelter in whatever form it can be found. The smallest and most common-place of objects, the simple umbrella, becomes the entry point into these stories, reminding us that there is more than meets the eye in the most innocuous-seeming pieces of a life, and the most fleeting of moments. Storms crash in and leave their marks, lovers are sought and lost and found again, ambitions jump the tracks and hopes get renewed, and in the swirl of these six stories, an umbrella is never, ever just an umbrella.

Is it finally Ron Sexsmith’s time to shine?

“The song is my saviour. I’ve got to raise it up, as far as my spirit can reach, that everyone might see.” – Ron Sexsmith, from Late Bloomer.

Ron Sexsmith was in a coffee shop when he heard a song of his being played. The counter girl said she loved it, and that she was a big fan of Rufus Wainwright. “But the song is mine,” Sexsmith protested.

de drôles de repas qui ont du chien -

Et si on mangeait autre chose qu'un burger frites ou un saumon grillé ? Comme le photographe gallois Neil Setchfield qui, au Cambodge, a craqué un jour pour des tarentules frites vendues dans la rue. Pour les photographier, avant de se prendre au jeu… « J'ai tout goûté, confie-t-il. Du moins ce que les gens mangent. » Et il en a fait un livre très amusant, Ça se mange, édité en France chez Hoëbeke.

Nach „Hangover“ immer noch „Ohne Limit“: Bradley Cooper

03.03.2011: Drogen scheinen sein Fachgebiet zu sein – zumindest im Film: Nachdem Bradley Cooper in „ Hangover “ einen Höllentrip in Las Vegas durchstand, geht es auch in seinem neuen Streifen um wahrnehmungsverändernde Substanzen: Der Schriftsteller Eddie Morras (Cooper) befindet sich nicht gerade auf der Erfolgsspur. Viel zu lange schreibt er schon an seinem ersten Roman und treibt sich in den Straßen und Bars New Yorks herum. Als ihn auch noch seine Freundin Lindy ( Abbie Cornish ) verlässt, fehlt ihm jede Motivation.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Limitless: its journey from novel to movie

I think it was at the second or third renewal of the option that I began to experience something I would subsequently become very familiar with: excitement fatigue

Author Alan Glynn’s novel, The Dark Fields, has been adapted into the movie Limitless. Here, Alan talks openly about his book’s bumpy journey to the big screen…

New ‘Limitless’ PSA

This week a new 20 second spot has shown up online for Limitless , the film about a miracle drug that changes Bradley Cooper’s character into the perfect version of himself, but at a high cost. The ad mimics the 1980s “ This is Your Brain On Drugs ” commercials, and falls in line with previous viral marketing we’ve seen from the film.


Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC unveiled at the 2011 Game Developers Conference today.  This new application is designed for “academics, researchers, students, and hobbyists” and will open up a new avenue of PlayStation 3 game and application development.

Oregon Football Recruiting Scandal: Is Pac-12 the Shadiest Conference in CFB?

The sleeze-fest that is college football continues churning out gut-wrenching stories about the underbelly of society putting its greed and desire to win in front of morality.

It's Oregon popping its head up this time, reportedly in the midst of recruiting violations stemming from paying a man $25,000 to help steer star running back recruit Lache Seastrunk to the school a year ago.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Relativity's Rogue and AMC Theatres® Announce 'Big Break Movie Contest' Finalists

Movie fans can vote for their favorite trailer on the Big Break website, Winning film will be released in 50 AMC® theatres nationwide this Spring,

LOS ANGELES, March 1, 2011 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Relativity Media's Rogue and AMC Theatres announced today their finalists for The Big Break Movie Contest. The Contest provides filmmakers with previously undistributed feature-length films the opportunity to obtain exclusive on-screen distribution throughout the United States.

MPAA Ratings: 'Sucker Punch,' 'Scream 4,' 'Limitless' and More

The Motion Picture Association of America's Classification and Ratings Administration released ratings for Sucker Punch , Scream 4 , Limitless and more in this afternoon's weekly bulletin.

Sucker Punch was rated PG-13 for "thematic material involving sexuality, violence and combat sequences, and for language." This marked director Zach Snyder's first live-action PG-13 movie, as his previous ones ( Dawn of the Dead ,and) were all rated R. The rating indicated an obvious attempt at welcoming a younger audience, which seems logical considering that Sucker Punch 's main female characters all appear to be teenagers. Sucker Punch opens March 25 opposite Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules .

MPAA Ratings: Sucker Punch, Limitless, Scream 4, Hop Get Ratings

Tags: Scream 4 , Sucker Punch , Limitless , Hop , MPAA Ratings , Movie Ratings

Four films received rating this week - and none too surprising. 

Fare Deals: Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland

A trip to the Guinness brewery in Dublin is a must-do, even if you're a Coors Light drinker.

Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, a new brochure from Tourism Ireland and its partners highlights value-priced vacation packages to the Emerald Isle. From Insight Vacations, the nine-day Irish Elegance tour starts at $1,899 per person (land only) and offers savings of $100 per couple for bookings made by March 31. There’s also Cosmos’ Irish Explorer, winding its way from Dublin to Sligo, Dingle and Killarney, over the course of nine days, fully escorted and priced from $1,044 per person (land only). To download a copy of the brochure see .

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sound Artist’s Pow!, Pop!, and Clunk-a-Chink Put the Real in the Reel | Magazine

If you want a film to really have visceral impact, the sound maketh the movie—and the foley artist maketh the sound. During a shoot, mic placement is optimized for dialog, and the quality of background sounds can suffer. That’s where the foley artist steps in, re-creating and recording those other noises, from footsteps to crackling fires, as discrete layers that can be edited into the scene. The practice goes back to Jack Foley, part of the team that transformed the 1929 silent movie Show Boat into an ear-tickling musical hit.

Uncertain Support for Pa. Film Industry

Tax incentives could face an unhappy ending to balance the budget By CATHERINE BROWN Updated 8:45 PM EST, Mon, Feb 28, 2011 | Print

Gov. Tom Corbett is expected to announce next week whether state lawmakers should cut the motion picture tax credits .

Pennsylvania approved $60 million in incentives in the 2010-2011 state budget to lure motion picture productions to Pennsylvania. Last year 43 states and the District of Columbia offered tax subsidies for film and television productions, according to the Washington-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

LIMITLESS 30 Movie Photos with Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro


Check out 30 photos from LIMITLESS starring Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Anna Friel, and directed by Neil Burger. You can read all our coverage of Limitless here .

Limitless Synopsis: Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro star in Limitless, a paranoia-fueled action thriller about an unpublished writer whose life is transformed by a top-secret smart drug that allows him to use 100% of his brain and become a perfect version of himself. His enhanced abilities soon attract shadowy forces that threaten his new life in this darkly comic and provocative film.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Composer JOHN BARRY under-represented at 83rd Academy Awards - National Soundtracks |

During the “blink and you’d miss it” In Memoriam segment of the 83rd Academy Awards televised celebration last night, the producers of the event missed an opportunity to pay proper homage to one of Hollywood’s most beloved and innovative soundtrack composers.

As Celine Dion began warbling her tear-jerking rendition of “Smile,” the very first face shown on the screen behind her was none other than five-time Academy Award winning composer John Barry, who passed away of cardiac arrest on January 30, 2011.

Student Profile: Anthony Lopez leads local band

Student musician and funny guy Anthony Lopez practices scales next to the paper towels.

"When I sing in front of people it should be illegal," said senior Anthony Lopez,student musician and producer. Lopez fronts the rock group, Down Dirty Shake. And if the name wasn't wicked enough, it's the music that moves and shakes. 

The 2011 Summer Movie Season Begins Friday, March 4th |

We thought global warming was heating up the planet, but really it’s Hollywood. They’re making it summer all year long. The first weekend of May is generally considered the beginning of the summer movie season but, as those three months got more and more crowded, that date slowly crept into late April. Now, 2011 changes that like never before.