Friday, April 1, 2011

Limited Patience for "Limitless"

Greetings moviegoers! I come to you today with my thoughts on the new movie, starring Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, and Robert DeNiro. Putting what I spent nearly two hours in the theater watching into words is a real challenge.

This film attempts to explore what it would be like if we could use all of our brain, instead of only 20 percent of it, which is the average amount as told to us during the movie. We see how a person can act given a tremendous amount of uncontrolled power. Normally, a movie with this premise would be intriguing to watch, but in this instance, the story was totally unbelievable. I would personally prefer the story to make a little sense and to not be extremely far-fetched.

Another aspect of this film that I disliked was that the film was a little brutal in certain spots and I thought it was uncalled for. I know that this movie is targeted for a younger audience, even those in my generation. However if a film is going to have violence, I think it should fit in with the story. Call me old-fashioned if you like, but you will see what I mean if you watch this movie.

Lastly, and this pains me to say it, I was not completely thrilled with the performance of Robert DeNiro. It seemed so obvious that he was bored when he was on screen. How anybody convinced an Oscar-winner and a legend the caliber of DeNiro to be in this picture is beyond me. Either they had a big budget of which most went to his salary, or he just had absolutely nothing better to do.

In the end I never like to be too negative with a film, but I also want to make sure that you know the honest truth before you head to the theater. So I would give this film a 4/10 because the concept was there, but the way the film was produced, from the writing to the execution of the production, just didnÂ’t do anything for me.


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