Sunday, August 7, 2011

UPDATE! The Batman: Crime Rising Fancast by Jazzywazzy!

So for those of you that have been reading my ongoing take on the Batman story, I decided to compile a fancast of who I would like to see play the characters in my story! Here we go! UPDATED with two different actor choices and an extra character!

I think that Bradley Cooper, known for his roles in The Hangover, The A-Team and Limitless would be a great fit for Bruce Wayne. He looks the part and he is a great actor. He is around the same age as Bale with an age difference of a year. I would be very happy if he was casted in the role if (sorry, when) Warner Bros reboot the franchise.

I was split on two choices for Bruce's faithful butler. I thought Geoffrey was amazing in The King's Speech and one of the best things about the Pirates of the Caribbean films and I think that he would own this role aswell. On the other hand, whilst I was sharing my fancast on the Chatbox last night many users suggested Ian Mckellan for the role. I wasn't too keen on the idea but thought that he could actully be a good fit.

I had previously struggled to find a good enough actor for the part of the devious Gotham crime lord, but when watching the latest entry in the Harry Potter franchise I realised that Fiennes would be brilliant for the role. It wouldn't require much for him to show his face as there is only one small section in the story showing Sionis pre- Black Mask.

Originally my choice for the love interest of Bruce Wayne was Jessica Alba. But when thinking about it, I remembered about the thing that made film producers not want to hire her for their films: she can't act at all. And she had already starred in two Marvel movies and there is a rule that somebody who has already starred in a Marvel movie will not do well in a DC movie. Then again, Kick-Ass was a Marvel movie and Mark Strong was in Green Lantern.

I believe this was suggested in another Batman fancast as well as this one, so the idea is out there. His performance in the Harry Potter franchise as Lucius Malfoy was absolutely brilliant and one of the highlights of the films. He is no stranger to the Batman world, as he voiced Ras al Ghul in the DC Animated Movie, Batman: Under The Red Hood. I aslo believe himself and Ralph Fiennes would have great chemistry together, because they both worked on many of the same scenes in the Harry Potter franchise and they spend alot of chapters together in the story.

For those of you that have been reading, you will know that this character had only been mentioned and not introduced yet until later on in chapter 6. But he will have a very important role in the sotry... Robin Williams looks nearly exactly like what Harold will look like, except he will need to shave his head. I know that Robin is known for more comedic roles, but when I watched him in Insomnia directed by Christopher Nolan, I knew that he was perfectly able to play a serious role.

I was stuck between Cobbs and two other choices for the role: Morgan Freeman returning to it as I thought that he had done a great job with what he had to work with and Samuel L. Jackson but he was already playing a major role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, AKA Nick Fury. I thought that he was one of the best parts of the mediocre Night at the Museum film and he looks alot like the part.

I was originally intending for Norton to play The Riddler in the sequel to The Batman: Crime Rising but after writing Riddler out of it and deciding to introduce the Gotham District Attorney in the first story, I thought that Norton would be good as Dent. I thoroughly enjoyed his performance in The Incredible Hulk as Bruce Banner and was disappointed that he was not going to reprise his role for The Avengers. He is two years older than Aaron Eckhart who previously played Harvey Dent/Two-Face in The Dark Knight. Two-Face will not be introduced in this story, but in one of the later ones...

We all know who he is. He is my favourite version of the Caped Crusader and I thought that it would be fun to have that small connection to previous films, like Judi Dench playing M in the previous James Bond franchise.

Well I hope you enjoyed the read! Please feel free to post comments and voice your opinions in the comments section below! Thanks for reading!


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