Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reasons to be Hopeful About "Man of Steel" (2013)

In response to all the negativity and captious rhetoric surrounding Zach Snyder’s newest Superman offering on some of the discussion boards, I proffer this brief list so that Superman and film fans alike may take heart.

- First of all, there is a Superman movie being made!!!

- Christopher Nolan is involved. This of course does not guarantee anything in regard to story or story-quality, but Nolan is a good filmmaker and his record stands for itself. And - - if nothing else - - Nolan’s clout with WB will ensure that the studio will not mangle the final cut of this film. Nolan is also a cerebral director by his nature, and his involvement in this film should indicate something about “Man of Steel” will bring with it an interesting and new take on Superman.

- That the film has a delayed release date (2013) will give Snyder and others that much more time for effects, editing, scoring, etc. for this to be a very well made film. Remember how the makers of “Green Lantern” were apparently scrambling to get the film together on time? “Man of Steel” will not have this problem. The extra time is also great for building hype.

-Snyder has made clear he wants to show why Superman is the “granddaddy” of all superheroes…

- And on that note, Snyder and others have made it very clear that this incarnation of Superman is going to be a very physical one. Nothing conveys this more than the first official shot of Henry Cavill in the suit.

- Superman is FIGHTING in this movie. And the early indication is that he will be doing so a lot.

- Superman is fighting not one, but two villains (that we know of definitively) with powers comparable to his own. The potential for the subsequent action sequences is almost limitless and might make for the very finest in the genre.

- As evidenced by the aforementioned officially revealed still, Cavill is the most physically imposing Superman on film to date. The pictures of him on set as Superman and, just recently, as Clark make this quite clear.

- The cast for this movie is promising. Whether or not you agree with specific casting decisions, the overall cast is of high caliber. Michael Shannon as Zod looks to be especially promising.

- Superman is getting a new start. Superman has an estimable and (in my view) a truly great history and lore. But it is true that the character needs a bit of a revitalizing. In particular, the charisma of Christopher Reeve and the enduring allure of the 1978 Donner film has left the character in a bit of a nostalgic, post-greatness dip in the time since that first film. Which is to say that Superman is a character that – though respected – has been slowly on the decline in terms of popularity. Snyder and Nolan are right to recast the character in a new age on their own terms and show (remind) audiences everywhere what makes Superman truly SUPER.

Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com

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