Sunday, February 20, 2011

3 Magic Words Movie Trailer | Paranormal Utopia

The powerful subconscious mind, that is the infinite access to all knowledge, creates according to the pure word or thought and is the power behind all creation of your life.  So if our minds are so powerful, what thoughts or words can we give it to change ourselves and our world? What three words can we speak that will reprogram our subconscious mind in an instant?  What three words can bring us to an awareness of peace, happiness, compassion and self realization? What three words can change the world?  Is this really possible?

The universe is vast and mysterious. It contains all that ever was or will be. Our earliest ancestors with their ever-evolving minds could never have imagined the borderless expansion of the cosmos that has revealed itself to mankind’s probing eyes. Armed with our newly invented tool, called science, we’ve begun to unravel some of the countless mysteries that have puzzled us through the ages. It’s nothing short of a profound mystery that in this limitless sea of space, filled with enormous galaxies, containing over 800 billion suns, life has emerged at all. But emerge it has. Somewhere in a tiny little corner of an ordinary galaxy, filled with billions of ordinary stars, there is a tiny blue planet, suspended in the black of space. This miniscule world is home to a peculiar life form called HUMAN.  Humans have traveled a long road in trying to understand the purpose of their existence. Humanity has finally reached a pinnacle in its evolution where knowledge, unity and the desire for peace have brought them closer together in solving life’s biggest mystery; Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of human life?

3 Magic Words is a film that weaves together a tapestry of new age thought, quantum physics, philosophy, world religions, cosmology, archeology,  geometry,  and an amazing discovery about the nature of consciousness. This new understanding of consciousness will take us on an adventure of self-discovery and lead us into becoming a more evolved human being so that we can awaken the hidden power that we all have and share it with the world.  The 3 magic words are here to reveal an amazing truth about who we are and the power that this realization gives us. It’s a profound concept that is transformational not just for each individtual but for the whole planet.

You can find out more about the film and the March 4, 2011 screening in Los Angeles through the film’s website. I wouldn’t miss this one if I were you!  You can buy your ticket here for the early bird discount.

Tags: 3 magic words movie, amoraea dreamseed, christian oyen, conscious living, cosmology, daniel blair stewart, debbie ford, dolores cannon, dr. zhi gang sha, gary renard, gudni gudnason, higher self, human experience, human soul, human spirit, ishmael tetteh, jared mitchell, jasmuheen, kira raa, kute blackson, law of attraction, lisa renee, lou corona, marley oyen, max christansen, meditation, movie trailer, nassim haramein, nataraj baba, neale donald walsch, new age consciousness, new age guidance, new age peace, new age thought, peace on earth, philosophy, professor sasi, psychic awareness, quantum physics, self awareness, sirene chevalillier, sri ram, starseed awakening, starseed films, starseed movie, starseed resources, starseeds, steven sadleir, subconscious mind, sujon datta, susan shumsky, tapasyogi kalathi adiyen nandhi, theresa ibis, three magic words movie, who am i

This entry was posted on February 19, 2011 at 2:07 PM and is filed under Alternative Health, Astrology, Documentaries, In The Media, Meditation, Movies, Natural Living, New Age Consciousness, News, Recent Posts, Spiritual Awareness, Starseeds. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.


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